c Transform Indiana... What's the latest?: The Externally-Focused Church...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Externally-Focused Church...

Eric Swanson

"If your church pulled out of your community, would your community weep? Would anybody even notice? Would anybody even care? Questions like those are why pastors and congregational leaders around the nation are who are thinking differently about church. They have a growing awareness that effectiveness is not measured by what happens inside the church but by the impact the people in their church are having on their city or community. These are the externally focused churches. "

"The Externally-focused Church", January 28-29 -- featuring Eric Swanson.

"If we want to be the salt and light that we as the church were created to be, we have to do something different… we have to be something different."

Eric is known around Indiana for his articles, like this one... "10 Paradigm Shifts for Community Transformation", which are considered as foundational to the Transform Indiana ministry coalition.

Interested in transformation? Come meet for breakfast with Eric and some of the Transform Indiana team... Saturday morning, Jan.29, at the Unleavened Bread Cafe.... at 7:00am.


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