c Transform Indiana... What's the latest?: Epiphany

Monday, July 18, 2005


Pastor Becki Jenkins
Missionary Connection
Founder of “C….. Mobile” Church on the move.

At some point in every life there is a pivotal moment that defines the next direction. We can either ignore it or do some hard searching with our L-rd to make a wise choice at the fork in the road we call a life altering epiphany. Something that can change our direction sharply leaving everything we have worked for in futility and in vanity to follow the real purpose for our lives. This can happen even if we are already serving the L-rd with all our hearts and all of our strength we may find ourselves in a life/service epiphany where our L-rd reserves the right to alter or change our direction in Him according to His will and purpose. This can be a very confusing or frustrating time as the L-rd reveals His new direction for us but rest assured it is His plan, His purpose and we do not always have to understand or see where it is all going but trust and obey with full confidence He knows exactly what He is doing with each soul that dares to just say yes. See http://mcconnect.blogspot.com/ for the complete article


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