c Transform Indiana... What's the latest?: January 2007

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Meet, Greet and Eat... in Muncie.

Appx 20 pastors/leaders gathered in Muncie from around (the northern half of) Indiana, to meet/greet/eat, to pray together, and to consider a statewide 'prayer summit' for Fall 2007. Steve Freeman and Chris Batz served as the key conveners.

Further details (and get to know many of these folks better) 'inside' CrossroadsConnection.com.

If you're a pastor, leader or other driven Christian here in the Hoosier state and would like to be involved in the statewide movement to 'change lives & communities'... drop us a line -- we'd like to stay in touch.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Transform Indiana joins RSI for lunch.. Jan. 16th

Thanks to our recent "2007 Timeline Planning Meeting", we've worked out some great ways to avoid 'meeting collisions'. In fact, we're specifically joining a couple of meetings together ... on Tuesday, January 16th.

Our normal Transforn Indiana ministry-networking meeting will join the RSI (Reformation Society of Indiana) luncheon... as it rotates to Shepherd Community this month.

[Click here for more luncheon-meeting details.]

Btw, take note... Shepherd Community Center has now moved to their new facilities at 4107 E. Washington (map). [Notice now at this wikimapia.org link, you can geographically LABEL & WRITE-ABOUT your ministry... connect 'em to your website, etc -- cool ! For instance, click on the Shepherd Center item on the map -- not Shepherd Church located on the same property. In this case it's handy because you can see how to navigate to where we're meeting.]

For those who come early, we'll enjoy a brief tour of the new facility at Shepherd before the scheduled noon start.