c Transform Indiana... What's the latest?: January 2005

Monday, January 31, 2005

One City, One Book? "City Impact"...

Considering that our ministry coalition leaders are now a few years into the concept of city-reaching, and considering the many pastors & leaders we've talked with, conferences attended, books read... if you rolled them all up together into book form... it couldn't come out as great as "City Impact", by Daniel Bernard, Executive Director of Somebody Cares Tampa Bay. ($12)

At Transform Indiana meetings, we can hope to impact a few pastors & leaders for an hour or two. But imagine the 'city impact' if we get this book out into the hands of many folks around Indianapolis, for several hours of quiet reading and careful consideration!
Sure, buy a copy online or at a nearby Christian bookstore -- it's new, so if they don't have it, ask them to order it for you -- but then also recommend it for your favorite pastor [or better yet, buy 'em a copy]. Who knows just what God might do as a result of your actions?

Friday, January 28, 2005

"Tippecanoe... And Online Too"...

A number of "Community Impact Workshops" are being set up over the next few months, for regions around the state. And one form of helping pastors & leaders connect within those regions will be to proliferate county blogsites to connect and expedite the growing conversation among such community-reachers.

Tippecanoe County is the first such site. The objective of course is to help our county friends there to get authorized online to maintain the site, and to promote 'community-reaching' in their area, for the cause of Christ.

Your comments would be welcome... especially if you'd like to help expedite the launching of yet more county sites throughout our state.


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Transformation Includes Saving Lives...

"From the beginning, God told Adam & Eve to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth... and Christ redemptively reiterated our command to be spiritually fruitful... "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you"... which included... "I have come that you may have LIFE and have it to the full". As a result, we easily recognize that true transformation inherently includes the protection of those who can little protect themselves... including the elderly... the disabled... and all children... including unborn children." [continued at LovingChange.com]

Missionary Connection

Missionary Connection

Accepting Donations

Missionary Connection is now accepting donations for computers,software,hardware,cell phones,medical supplies,cars,trucks,semis,buses,VCR's and monitors to be shipped over seas and to be used here in the USA for missionary needs in the USA and abroad. Financial donations are also being accepted for shipping cost and direct donation to missionaries in need. For a comprehensive list of the needs and the missionaries that financial support will be going to,please contact Becki Jenkins,director at 317-471-0156 or becki5789@msn.com. When e-mailing please identify in the subject: Missionary needs. Thank you and may G-ds peace be upon you!

Missionary Connection

Missionary Connection

Go to this site link. Intercession News! Come join in brotherly love,one with another on one accord!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Externally-Focused Church...

Eric Swanson

"If your church pulled out of your community, would your community weep? Would anybody even notice? Would anybody even care? Questions like those are why pastors and congregational leaders around the nation are who are thinking differently about church. They have a growing awareness that effectiveness is not measured by what happens inside the church but by the impact the people in their church are having on their city or community. These are the externally focused churches. "

"The Externally-focused Church", January 28-29 -- featuring Eric Swanson.

"If we want to be the salt and light that we as the church were created to be, we have to do something different… we have to be something different."

Eric is known around Indiana for his articles, like this one... "10 Paradigm Shifts for Community Transformation", which are considered as foundational to the Transform Indiana ministry coalition.

Interested in transformation? Come meet for breakfast with Eric and some of the Transform Indiana team... Saturday morning, Jan.29, at the Unleavened Bread Cafe.... at 7:00am.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Missionary Connection

Missionary Connection

School building needed

Please contact Darwin Burks, International Praise and Worship Center,at dburks@ipwc.org or 1-317-201-5773 if you have any information on a school building available in Indianapolis or surrounding areas. This is an international ministry that wiuld like to open a school for all ages. If you have questions about this ministry please contact Darwin Burks, minsitry leader.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Imagining Christ's Church In The City

Here's a good article I thought everyone would benefit from.

Imagining Christ's Church In The City

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Prayer Gathering! Feb.3rd...

2005 promises to be another exciting year in Indianapolis and Central Indiana as we continue to seek God's transforming presence in our communities!

Please join us Thursday evening, February 3rd to seek the Lord's favor for our city. We will be gathering at the Marriott Downtown, 350 West Maryland (by the RCA Dome) at 6:00pm to begin praying together for Indianapolis! Meet us in the Florida Room for two hours of fellowship & prayer.

Gordon Murphy and Cheryl Cornelius will be joining us from the Chicago CCDA office as we prepare for hosting this annual gathering of ministries this November. We will be using this prayer gathering as a kick-off event for CCDA Indy!

[Submitted by Scott Truex, Leadership Foundation of Indianapolis]

[Remember: All citywide meetings & events for Christians are listed at... IndyChristian.com/events.htm .]

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

January 11th Meeting -- High Adventure !!!

Our January meeting of Transform Indiana strategically collides with CCDA/LeadershipFoundation's "Faith Leadership Series". which will specially feature Eric Alexander.... world-class skier, climber, mountaineer... achieving his goals while playing an instrumental role in helping others to achieve their own. In May 2001, he defied all odds and scaled Mt. Everest with his blind friend, Erik Weihenmayer, for the first ever blind ascent of Mt Everest. [continued]

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Blog Quiz for Pastors & Others...

Take this short quiz to see if you qualify for the upcoming January 17th "Innovation Forum" on blogging & RSS feeds.

Net proceeds from the special forum on MLK holiday will specially benefit urban technology. What you take home that day may start benefitting your ministry for years to come.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Websites of Clay...

A Call To Emergency Web Action...

"Websites of Clay"... post at LovingChange.com.

Christian Resource List re Disaster Relief...


[Also stay up to date via Tsunami Help blog.]

[hat-tip, Bill Bean Blog]

Visit http://www.somebodycares.org/tsumani.htm for a number of U.S. city-focused mercy ministries also reaching out to cities around the world.

Also see a call to emergency web action... at LovingChange.com .