c Transform Indiana... What's the latest?: March 2005

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Two Opportunties To See Tibbels... April 5th

Photo, U.S. News & World Report

"Brick by Brick, He Fights the Inner-city Blues"

The Tibbels are coming to Indy for the 'Faith Community Forum' and 'Transform Indiana'.

Don't miss them... In fact, please feel free to attend both of these events:

* "Faith Community Forum" [continue for details] RSVP Required by April 1st.

* Our Transform Indiana lunchtime meeting at the Unleavened Bread Cafe, 11:30 til 2pm. No reservation needed.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Yesterday's National City-Reaching Call...

One of the great ideas that we could easily use in several of the metro areas here in Indiana, was... [continued at CityReaching.org]

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

MAC's City-Reaching Call... Tomorrow...

Just a heads-up for any of you 'city reachers' around the state: Tomorrow's the regular monthly national call hosted by Mission America Coalition's 'City-Reaching' division. We've even helped start a blog for City-Reaching to accelerate the conversation and community-building among city-minded folks around the country. Tomorrow's topic is "Engaging Radio in City-Reaching" and will feature nationally-known Christian radio personalities... [Continue reading at CityReaching.org]

Btw, there are 3 other special calls each month -- check 'em out and see if you qualify and would like to participate. It's a tremendous (and free) opportunity.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

April 5th... Allan & Susan Tibbels...

Photo, U.S. News & World Report

"Brick by Brick, He Fights the Inner-city Blues"

The Tibbels are coming to Indy for the 'Faith Community Forum' and will also be with us for our 'Transform Indiana' meeting.

Don't miss them...

* for "Faith Community Forum" [continue for details]

* for our Transform Indiana lunchtime meeting at the Unleavened Bread Cafe, 11:30 til 2pm.

Connecting the Puzzle Pieces

By Becki Jenkins, President/Director, Missionary Connection

Over the years, working in various ministry capacities, I have wondered why Churches, ministries, faith groups and outreach initiatives do not unite. As a whole, we as the collective body of Christ tend to do our own things in our own buildings in our own little spaces and claimed geographical territories with little connection with our brothers and sisters locally, nationally or internationally. It seems that every new Church, ministry or faith based group that pops up recreates the wheel, by duplicating outreach initiatives and resources, all acting as if there are none of these resources already available in their communities and that their particular ministry is didactically unique and singular in relation to the outside world.

[continue at Missionary Connection]

Monday, March 07, 2005

Tomorrow... March 8... Jimmy Dorrell...

[Subsequent Note: See an updated report from this seminar & meeting at CCDA Indy Blog.]

Don't forget: The March 8th meeting of Transform Indiana will again coincide with the "Community Faith Forum" series. [continue]

Thursday, March 03, 2005

City Reaching Telecon Calls Each Month...

Just got off one of the national teleconference calls among city-reachers throughout the U.S.

[continued at "City Reaching Blog"]

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Urbanizing - National Day Prayer TF/ Focus On The Family

[subsequent note by IndyChristian, Editor]
***The brunch has been moved to the Indiana State Library, Authors Room.***

Submitted by: Tom Walker State Chair - Indiana National Day of Prayer

I am pleased to announce that Jim Weidmann will be coming to Indianapolis Indiana Monday, March 21 for a 10 a.m. brunch to be held at the conference room of the Governor’s Official residence. As State Chair of the Indiana National Day of Prayer, one of my key focuses has been on urbanizing the National Day of Prayer Task Force and Focus On the Family. A tall order you say? No not really. I just get out of the way and let God just do it.

I have been working on this project with my dear friend Hosea Baxter, Vice president of Academic affairs at Crossroads Bible College in cooperation with Dr Ware. Hosea is a powerhouse of a believer and a kindred spirit that I look forward to working with for many years to come. Together we are inviting urban pastors to come and meet with Jim Weidmann who has served as Vice Chairman for the National Day of Prayer Task force since 1997. In addition to his work with NDP, he is a Focus on the Family Executive Cabinet member and the host of The Family Night Guy, a radio feature with a weekly reach of over one million listeners. Jim has co-authored more than 15 books to teach parents how to pass their faith to their children, including his most popular series, the Family Night Tool Chest.

Jim has a sincere spirit for the inner city of America and abroad. His love for family runs deep and really appeals to those of this complicated world know as the family in urban America today. This, Jim's first official meeting in this capacity, (that I know of ) is deliberately geared for urban America and on this trip specifically its pastors. I look forward to having Jim Weidmann and our dear friends Shirley and James Dobson come and visit Indianapolis again very soon.

Know this. A deliberate change is coming. More and more people are getting out of the way and letting God work through them instead of around them. God is pouring out His Spirit in a double portion for those willing to receive it. Do I see a few hands lifted up and hear a faint “Me, me, pick me!”? I’m sure I do. Be richly blessed.

For information regarding this gathering call Crossroads bible Collage at 317 352 8736