Next meeting... Nov. 16th... Learning from CCDA
We will plan to meet on Friday (not our usual Thursday), November 16 at Brookside Church, 1035 N. Olney St., at 12 noon (til 2:00 pm). Aaron Shelby will be our host.

While we always pray & plan together, the special topic will be feedback & discussion re CCDA St. Louis 2007. And how to translate what we've learned into greater local action in the name of Christ.
And as always, the lunchtime event serves to CONNECT the driven Christian leaders in the city. Come get to know people you'd really like to get to know.
"Connect great hearts & minds... they'll know what to do."
Everyone welcome. But it's 'BYOL'... so stop by McD's on the way.

While we always pray & plan together, the special topic will be feedback & discussion re CCDA St. Louis 2007. And how to translate what we've learned into greater local action in the name of Christ.
And as always, the lunchtime event serves to CONNECT the driven Christian leaders in the city. Come get to know people you'd really like to get to know.
"Connect great hearts & minds... they'll know what to do."
Everyone welcome. But it's 'BYOL'... so stop by McD's on the way.